Sustainability insights

Please find below our latest sustainability related insights.

Fenntarthatósági Webinárium - Fenntarthatósági jelentés és ESG beszámoló

Fenntarthatósági webinárium a Mazars szakértőivel, amelyben elmondjuk a fenntarthatósági jelentés és az ESG beszámoló legfontosabb szabályait.

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The CSDDD is here: details of the EU's new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Following years of negotiations among EU institutions and Member States, the EU parliament adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or CS3D) on 24 April 2024. The directive was formally endorsed by the Council on 24 May 2024, and expected to be published in the EU Official Journal still in June. Member states will have two years to transpose the new rules into their national laws.

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Navigating sustainable real estate: the ongoing ESG transformation

The real estate sector faces increasing demands to significantly change its modus operandi and decarbonise. It has become a priority to drive the sector towards a more positive transformation, which strives to better respond to the ESG criteria. How effective has this transition been so far?

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Major changes brought about by the new ESG Act coming into force on 1 January 2024

On 12 December 2023, the Hungarian Parliament adopted the ESG Act, which will bring significant changes for many large companies, SME’s listed on the stock exchange, and even their direct suppliers. In addition to setting out the obligations of companies, the new legislation also lays down the framework and conditions for the complex operation of the ESG system. In this newsletter, we summarise the most important provisions for stakeholders.

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The detailed rules related to ESG reporting have been published

SZTFH (Szabályozott Tevékenységek Felügyeleti Hatósága - Supervisory Authority for Regulatory Affairs Hungary) Decree 13/2024. (VIII.15.) published on 15 August 2024 represents a significant milestone in the sustainability assessment of enterprises, and is aligned with Act CVIII. of 2023 on the rules of corporate social responsibility, taking into account environmental, social and societal aspects, to promote sustainable financing and unified corporate responsibility and amending other related acts (ESG Act).

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Sustainability practices stocktake: how banks and insurers have progressed

Financial institutions have a leading role to play in shaping our sustainable future, and a strong need to reboot and shift to a more responsible finance model. As a core component of the economy, they bear the responsibility of upholding rigour and resilience in their risk management. With time running out to achieve a move towards nature-positive outcomes, what sustainability progress have banks and insurers made?

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Fenntarthatósági Webinárium - Felkészülés a fenntarthatósággal kapcsolatos kötelezettségekre

Fenntarthatósági webinárium a Mazars szakértőivel, amelyben elmondjuk, hogyan készülhetnek fel a fenntarthatósággal kapcsolatos kötelezettségekre

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European Sustainability Reporting Standards Set 1: What companies should know to prepare

As a framework for sustainability reporting, the first set (“Set 1”) of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) lay the foundations of the standardised common language for sustainability-related matters throughout Europe.

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Sustainable, smart, and synchronised: using technology to accelerate the ESG transition in the consumer sector

Mature markets are experiencing a shift in consumer demand patterns as consumers move away from traditional products and services towards those consistent with environmental, social, and governance goals. Our study ‘Sustainable, smart, and synchronised’ explains how consumer companies can harness ESG and digital transformation to thrive in this changing environment.

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Want to know more?

Bagyura Andras
Bagyura Andras Director, Business Development, Sustainability Budapest

Detailed profile