Ivan Karlović Partner, Audit
Ivan Karlović is the Partner of the Audit Department of Forvis Mazars in Croatia. In a career spanning more than 10 years, Ivan has specialized in audit projects in various sectors such as the commercial, manufacturing, service and public. He has worked on audits of financial statements, audits of mergers and division of companies, capital increase, EU projects, various due diligence processes, as well as international IFRS entities and SPVs (financial sector).
Ivan graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb and holds a license for certified auditor, certified internal auditor and certified appraiser.
He is the author of several expert articles on accounting and finance, is one of the authors of the book "Mazars HSFI manual" and is a lecturer at the Academy of the Zagreb Stock Exchange and the Croatian Institute of Finance.
English is actively used.
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Pages associated to Ivan Karlović
- Godišnji popis imovine i obveza: Zakonska obveza, porezni aspekti i provedba
- MRS 40 – Ulaganja u nekretnine
- Kapitalizacija izdataka za razvoj nematerijalne imovine unutar poslovnog subjekta
- Novi Zakon o računovodstvu
- MSFI 18 – Prezentacija i objavljivanje u financijskim izvještajima
- F-gas audit for importers of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases
- IFRS 16 : key points of the lease standard
- IT sektor: Utjecaj troškova razvoja na profitabilnost
- COVID-19: Implications on financial statements
- IT: Utjecaj troškova razvoja na profitabilnost
- IFRS for financial instruments
- News in the regulation on reporting in non-profit accounting and in the register of non-profit organizations
- IFRS 17: Insurance
- Changes to the RGFI web application
- Consolidation Application Form
- The Differences Between The Old and New Audit Law
- IFRS 15 and 16
- IFRS 16: Leases - key points of the new standard
- Guide through IAS 16