Student cooperation

Cooperation with the student community is one of the important relationships that Forvis Mazars has established and maintained over the years. Students are part of our company, we grow together and develop knowledge and expertise already while studying.

Forvis Mazars started its first cooperation with student associations and faculties several years ago, and today it is a proud partner of many events and supports the student community through education and lectures.

A day in the financial advisory department

In our office, on January 14, 2022 we repeated our cooperation with the student association Financijski klub by introducing interested students to our financial advisory department. Our colleagues Anđela Tokić and Ivan Jurić presented their workplace, answered interesting questions and provided useful advices on how to step into the world of consulting. The proactive team from the association had the opportunity to apply for open positions in our company.



In cooperation with the student association HSA - Croatian Student Association, we held on January 12, 2022 a lecture on valuation in the premises of the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. Our lecturers, young experts Lucija Krušić and Ivan Ćurković from the financial advisory department, told more about their challenges at work when it comes to value assessments for clients, showed practical examples from business and gave students useful advice for starting their careers.


HSA predavanje

Trip to the future workplace - IBRM

"From a student to a young financial advisor" was the topic of the Trip in Forvis Mazars held on February 23, 2022 in cooperation with the eSTUDENT association. Final year students of the Faculty of Economics came and got to know our people, business, office and culture. Young financial advisor Ivan Ćurković told his story about his student days and about his career as a young advisor now, and revealed what is important to know to start a career in financial advisory, but also in other departments of Forvis Mazars!



EU funds

At the end of April, we held an internal lecture for the student association Ekonomska klinika. Our adviser Mihaela Trčak presented EU funds as a tool of European policy for directing economic development and showed examples of good practice. Students received basic knowledge and an overview of EU funds and learned more about how they function.


EU funds

Career development at Forvis Mazars

In cooperation with the Office for Career Counseling and Career Development at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, we held a lecture as part of the Meet the Employer project. Our director Vladimir Nol and financial advisor Anđela Tokić talked about the topic of career development at Forvis Mazars and presented all the possibilities of our office and the necessary knowledge and skills for different positions.