Accounting News

You will find here Articles and News related to Accounting Services.

20.5. CEE webinar: Robotic process automation in financial functions

Various processes can be automated within the finance department: automation of reports, control of overdue invoices, order processing, simplification of bank statement settlement and much more. Mazars experts will share their practical experience. Feel free to register via the link below.

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Forest Contribution Fee

Following the recent changes in The Forestry Act, we bring you an update on obligation for paying the forest contribution fee, starting from Januray 1st 2019.

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Reducing Membership fee for Croatian Chamber of Economy

Within this article a special emphasis was placed on reduced and abolished membership fees and contributions to the Croatian Chamber of Economy, but we have briefly mentioned the other membership fees and contributions.

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Liquidation of incoming invoices

Accounting Act says that the contractor is obliged to determine the person responsible for the control of authenticity of documents that will be before the data entry of accounting documents in the books, check the correctness and completeness of accounting documents and the same sign or approve the manner of which can be unambiguously determine her identity.

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JOPPD form

From 1st of January 2014,the legislator introduced the obligation of the report of receipts, income tax, surtax and contributions for compulsory insurance through JOPPD form.

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Mandatory elements of the Invoice

Each invoice issued by an enterprise must contain the prescribed data as it is a credible document proving the occurrence of a business event.

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Pregled novog Zakona o računovodstvu

S ciljem usklađivanja nacionalnog računovodstvenog sustava s novom računovodstvenom Direktivom 2013/34/EU Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 26. lipnja 2013. o godišnjim financijskim izvještajima, konsolidiranim financijskim izvještajima i srodnim izvještajima za određena društva, donesen je novi Zakon o računovodstvu (u nastavku „Zakon“) objavljen u Narodnim novinama broj 78/15.

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The Rulebook on the contents of salary accrual, salary compensation or redundancy benefit

At the end of the March, new form for calculation and payment of wages, salary compensations and redundancy benefits entered into the force.

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