The selection process at Forvis Mazars

Ana from Human resources department, who is responsible for finding new colleagues and talents, reveals what the employment process looks like at Forvis Mazars.

 1. Filling out the application for the open position

The submission of the application reaches our Human resources department, which evaluates it and invites the candidate for an interview in case the profile matches the open position.

2. Knowledge testing

Invitation and attendance for general and technical knowledge testing.

3. Conversations

Human resources contacts the persons who met the expected criteria in the test and a short interview is conducted and they are referred to further interviews with the team and senior management from the department for which the person applied. Ultimately, the final step is meeting and talking with our CEO.

4. Employment offer and onboarding

When the person finishes the interviews, he reaches the last step of the selection process – he signs the contract and goes through the onboarding process in which he learns more about our business, values, culture and colleagues.

Haven't you applied for a job yet? See open positions on the Forvis Mazars career page!