Dr. Christoph Regierer appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the (IDW)

02.10.2019 - Berlin - Dr. Christoph Regierer, Managing Partner of Mazars in Germany, was appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the IDW on 24 September 2019.

The Institute of Auditors in Germany (IDW) was founded in 1932 and represents, supports and promotes around 13,000 auditors and auditing companies. The IDW represents the interests of over eighty percent of all German auditors.

Dr. Regierer was already elected as Chairman of the IDW Regional Group Berlin in June and until September also as member of the Board of Directors of the IDW. In his new role, the auditor, tax advisor and lawyer wants to contribute his expertise in the field of digital transformation, a key topic of the industry.

Dr. Regierer: "Digitalization also poses great challenges for our industry, but at the same time we must understand it as an opportunity that must be seized. As Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the IDW, I am looking forward to giving important impulses for the digital transformation of auditing in Germany."

Dr. Regierer also sees the changing professional profile of auditors as a further important topic: "New challenges on the client side and other developments are changing the requirements profile for auditors. This is a great opportunity to make the profession more attractive and to inspire young people for this profession".

Dr. Regierer has been with Mazars since 1992 and a partner since 1999. At IDW he is chairman of the "Family Business" working group and a member of the "Representation Letter" and "Company Succession" working groups. He is also a member of the Hidden Champions Institute - Board ESMT Berlin.

About Mazars

With an annual turnover of around 143 million euros, Mazars is one of the leading auditing and tax consulting firms in Germany. With 82 partners and 1,450 employees at twelve locations in Germany, the company is always close to its clients.

Mazars combines the expertise of auditors, tax consultants, lawyers, financial advisory services specialists and experts in accounting and consulting under one roof. Mazars clients include international corporations, medium-sized and owner-managed companies, international German SMEs, private investors and public institutions. People and organizations for whom partnership values like entrepreneurial spirit and forward-looking solutions are important receive comprehensive services from a single source at Mazars.

Mazars operates as an internationally integrated partnership in 89 countries. Worldwide, Mazars draws on the expertise of 40,000 specialists who support companies at every stage of their development. Of these, 24,000 work in the integrated partnership with Ma-zars and 16,000 in the Mazars North America Alliance.


Dr. Christoph Regierer appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the (IDW)

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