Webinar: German Annual Tax Act 2020 – Impacts on VAT

November 25, 2020 | 10:00-11:00 a.m. (German) and 1:00-2:00 p.m. (English)

After the reduction of the VAT rates in the second half of 2020, the Annual Tax Act 2020 again poses great challenges for companies. In our webinar "German Annual Tax Act 2020 – Impacts on VAT" our VAT experts will provide you with a general overview of the upcoming changes. If you are an entrepreneur or responsible for financial decisions for your company, this webinar offers you an overview of the potential impact on your VAT practice implied by the currently available official publications.

The Annual Tax Act, which has been announced as draft version on September 2, 2020 is the implementation of EU law into national legislation. A large number of legal changes relevant to VAT, a high degree of complexity and uncertainty with regard to practical implementation characterize the situation that tax departments in companies have to deal with.

Register here for the webinar "Annual Tax Act 2020 - Impact on Value Added Tax":

Our VAT experts will guide you through this topic and focus on the implications for companies. You will have the opportunity to ask questions before or during the webinar. The speakers will try to address your questions directly.

We would be very pleased to welcome you!

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