Eric Klein Hesseling Partner

Eric Klein Hesseling

Specialist experience

  • Advising on various (cross-border) mergers, joint ventures in media, technology and manufacturing
  • Advising on the relocation of the European headquarters of a US-based apparel company to the Netherlands
  • Responsible for tax due diligence investigations and private equity, media, technology, employment agencies and real estate
  • Advising on the implementation of various employee participation plans, such as stock option plans, carried interests and stock appreciation rights
  • Advising on tax aspects of the listing of a Dutch company on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange and advising shareholders
  • Advising on (re)structuring of private equity and venture capital funds
  • Advising on (tax) structuring of start-ups in IT, media, telecom and entertainment
  • Advising on the acquisition of the Dutch operations of a well-known retail company

Specific client experience

  • Transaction Services Tax / M&A
  • Assistance to US-based companies with their tax needs related to their investments and operations outside the US
  • Technology, media, telecommunications, innovation and sustainability

Education and work experience

  • 1986 - 1991 | University of Amsterdam | Tax law. 
  • 1990 - 1993 | LDP Tax Advisors | Associate.
  • 1993 - 2024| Paraxity Alliance | Partner/shareholder Mazars
  • 1993 - 2024| Mazars | Partner/shareholder
  • 2024 - present | Paraxity Alliance | Partner/shareholder Forvis Mazars
  • 2024 - present | Forvis Mazars | Partner/shareholder

Additional positions

  • Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB). 

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