When is "VAT: advice for advisors" the right tool for you?

  • You will notice that VAT law, in particular, is becoming increasingly complex and that occasionally case constellations arise that require a very in-depth VAT analysis, possibly also covering EU law. The year 2021, in particular, is exceptionally complicated for the following reasons:
    • Return to the "old" tax rates
    • COVID-19 regulations
    • Implementation of the VAT digital package with its comprehensive new regulations on distance selling, the participation of online marketplaces, and the one-stop-shop
    • BREXIT
    • Ongoing: quick fixes
    • On the system side: the release upgrade to SAP S/4HANA
    In addition to the rapid changes in VAT law, there are "perennial issues" that can be highly complex VAT minefields:
    • Legal particularities such as tax group, sale of a going concern, holdings, input tax quotas, commission businesses, etc.
    • Industries with many unique characteristics such as banks/insurance companies, real estate, pharmaceuticals, travel service providers, etc.
  • As a broad-based all-rounder, you do not have the time to sufficiently familiarise yourself with all the specialised areas of VAT.
  • Your mandate requires VAT advice abroad, but you do not have the appropriate contacts.
  • The client needs support in implementing VAT issues in the ERP system - but you are not familiar with this.
  • You want to avoid liability traps caused by unknowingly giving the wrong advice.
  • You want to provide your clients with correct and comprehensive advice, but you do not want to lose them to another advisor.

Do you have questions or want to know more?

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