Latest VAT News

Here, we regularly inform you about new court decisions and other newsworthy developments in VAT matters.

Update: Equity measures pursuant to the flood disaster - BMF circular letter dated 28 October 2021

The German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) is extending the equity measures it implemented in response to the challenges posed by the flood disaster in July 2021. The BMF will continue to provide VAT relief to entrepreneurs helping those harmed by the flooding.

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Instalment payments: the entrepreneur must pre-finance the VAT - ECJ ruling "X-Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH" (C-324/20)

If the parties agree to pay in instalments for a one-off supply that is not a continuous supply, the supplier must pay the VAT in full when the supply is performed. The supplier also cannot rely on a reduction of the taxable basis. This was decided by the ECJ on 28 October 2021 (C-324/20) following a referral by the German Federal Fiscal Court (BFH).

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Revocation of the waiver of VAT exemption on the sale of real estate - BFH ruling XI R 22/19

In its decision of 2 July 2021 (XI R 22/19), published on 28 October 2021, the German Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) ruled that the revocation of the waiver of the VAT exemption on the sale of real estate does not have to be notarized. It is possible as long as the tax assessment can still be contested with an appeal or is still subject to review.

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VAT assessment for the dependent member of a VAT group can have a third-party effect for the head of the VAT group - BFH V R 13/20

In its ruling of 26 August 2021, published on 7 October 2021 (V R 13/20), the German Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH) made ample use of the German General Fiscal Code and clarified that, within a VAT group, the head and the dependent members of the group cannot refer differently to new or old jurisdiction.

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Drastic changes in the VAT treatment of fuel cards - draft BMF circular letter

In response to the ECJ ruling, the BMF is sending industry associations a draft of a circular letter on the subject of fuel cards. The previous practice of treating fuel card transactions as chain supplies of fuel will now become the exception. Issuers of fuel cards will be required to switch to VAT-exempt financial services as early as 1 January 2022.

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No input VAT deduction without an invoice, but a faulty invoice may be sufficient - ECJ "Wilo Salmson France SAS" (C-80/20)

ECJ confirms in its judgement of 21 October 2021 (C-80/20) in the "Wilo Salmson France SAS" case: input VAT cannot be deducted unless there is an invoice. The input VAT deduction must be made for the taxation period in which the invoice was available. For this purpose, it must contain the essential attributes of an invoice, although other attributes can be added later with retroactive effect. If an invoice, once issued and containing the essential attributes, is unilaterally cancelled and reissued, the taxation period for which the invoice was first issued nevertheless remains the correct period for the input VAT deduction.

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Hinweispflichten im Vorsteuervergütungsverfahren - EuGH-Urteil "CHEP Equipment Pooling NV" (C-396/20)

Erkennt der Mitgliedstaat der Erstattung einen Fehler in einem Vorsteuervergütungsantrag, so gebieten es der Grundsatz der Neutralität der Mehrwertsteuer sowie der Grundsatz der guten Verwaltung, den Unternehmer darauf hinzuweisen. Berichtigt der Unternehmer daraufhin seinen Antrag, so gilt die Antragsfrist als gewahrt. Dies entschied der EuGH mit Urteil vom 21. Oktober 2021 (C-396/20) in der Rechtssache „CHEP Equipment Pooling NV“.

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Allocation decision for mixed-use capital goods - ECJ ruling "E" and "Z" (C-45/20 und C-46/20)

In 2019, the German Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH) had referred two cases to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling concerning the exercise of the option to allocate an item to the business and thus to claim the input VAT deduction to that extent. Until now, German law required the allocation decision to be reported to the tax office before the normal deadline for submitting the VAT return. The BFH had doubts as to whether this conformed with EU law. The ECJ confirmed the basic admissibility of a time limit but left it to the BFH to decide whether the length of the specific time limit was commensurate.

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Reimbursement of expenses for certain written warnings will be subject to VAT - BFH rulings XI R 27/14 and XI R 1/17

On 21 December 2016 (XI R 27/14) and 13 February 2019 (XI R 1/17), the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) ruled that the reimbursed expenses paid by a person issued a written warning for copyright or competition law infringement is a service charge that is subject to VAT. The BMF also adopted this view in its letter dated 1 October 2021 and clarified some specific questions. The key details are summarised below.

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Update: VAT and insurance tax treatment of guarantee commitments - BMF circular lettter dated 18 October 2021

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) is once again extending the transitional rule for the treatment of paid guarantee commitments as an insurance service in a circular letter dated 18 October 2021. This gives entrepreneurs more time and flexibility to adapt to the amended Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) case law.

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