Sustainability is measurable – ESG ratings are objective, transparent, and comparable

ESG ratings from providers such as Morningstar Sustainalytics, ISS ESG, MSCI, S&P Global, and EcoVadis play an increasingly important role for companies. These ratings provide an independent assessment that helps companies demonstrate their sustainability performance to investors, banks, business partners, and customers. It is therefore important to select the rating providers best suited to your company, to understand the rating criteria, and to give honest responses.

In today’s world, companies that cannot demonstrate good environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance bear the risk of having this negatively impact their business relationships. With an ESG rating based on an assessment conducted by an external entity, companies demonstrate their sustainability performance in a transparent, credible manner, thereby fulfilling the information needs of their shareholders and stakeholders. 

In addition, ESG ratings offer the advantage of providing clear, tangible evidence that your company has met the regulatory requirements related to its business operations. ESG ratings are thus also a valuable tool for those in the company responsible for managing sustainability issues and risks. In the long term, it also helps the company remain attractive to the target groups.

Our approach to ESG ratings

Our interdisciplinary project teams work in close and trusting collaboration with your organisation’s representatives and stakeholders. With their many years of experience working with ESG ratings from various providers, our experts contribute valuable expertise. We thereby lay the foundation necessary for ensuring that your company is diligently and optimally prepared to receive a good ESG rating. To ensure that your ESG rating project is successful, we also draw on the knowledge of our other international experts as needed.

Our solutions for ESG ratings

We guide you on the path to an ESG rating through our comprehensive range of services. From initial analysis to ESG-related communication, we offer the following services:

  • We analyse which rating agency is best suited to your requirements.
  • We review your company’s status quo to detect any deficiencies and use this information to identify the measures necessary to achieve a good rating result.
  • We help you gather the necessary ESG information and generate a solid set of data.
  • In consultation with the relevant experts, we develop the missing guidelines or revise existing guidelines to meet the rating requirements.
  • Depending on the status quo, we not only guide you through the ratings process but also help you develop your ESG strategy and ESG communications.
  • With our assistance, you’re now able to use the rating result to derive the next steps for the sustainable development of your company.

Your benefit

Having an established strategy for handling the rating process creates far more value for your business as a whole and is far more effective than just responding to various individual rating requirements either sporadically or selectively. A good ESG rating enhances your company’s reputation, increases investor confidence, promotes customer loyalty, and facilitates access to capital. It can also reduce operating costs by leveraging the insights gained to improve efficiency and reduce risk. Overall, a strong ESG rating helps to boost a company's financial performance and long-term success.

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