Smart tool: calculating the gender pay gap to achieve pay compliance

The transposition of the European Pay Transparency Directive (EUPTD) into German law will lead to a number of changes in the area of pay. One of the most important aspects is that companies will have to calculate their gender pay gap. However, this requires knowledge of the employees to be compared, i.e. those who perform the same or equivalent work. Our Forvis Mazars tool supports the achievement of pay compliance.

EUPTD must be transposed into national law by 7 June 2026. Employers need to start addressing the issue of pay transparency and pay compliance now, so they can be ready for the new requirements of EUPTD in good time.

Key changes include:

  • Companies with 100 or more employees must provide information about the criteria according to which employees are paid.
  • Employers must show whether women and men are paid equally for the same work or work of equal value.
  • If this is not the case, employers must provide an objective explanation for the difference. Measures must also be taken to reduce the gender pay gap.
  • Sanctions, such as fines, may be imposed if the obligations are not met.

Our approach to calculating the gender pay gap

The challenge for most companies is that before they can calculate their (adjusted) gender pay gap, they must first determine which jobs in their organisation are comparable. This is where the Forvis Mazars tool comes in. It uses a “statistical twin” model, i.e. two employees with the same education, work experience, career level and weekly working hours. The only difference is their gender.

Our experts can advise you on aspects of the EUPTD as well as on specific measures to help you not only identify any gender pay gaps, but also reduce them. We develop tool-supported time and process plans to support you in achieving timely compliance with the new EU directive, as well as in implementing recommendations for action and preparing follow-up analyses.

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Our technical solution for calculating the gender pay gap

Our tool first identifies which employees in your organisation are performing the same or equivalent work. This is the case when the objective requirements of a job are comparable in terms of

  • expertise
  • workload
  • responsibility
  • working conditions
  • other factors relevant to the job

Our tool

  • uses the only pay-data-validation-process currently approved by German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSJ)
  • supports the identification of peer groups in terms of job evaluation levels where equivalent work is being performed
  • calculates the adjusted and unadjusted gender pay gap
  • shows which factors influence the pay gap
  • analyses where (gender) pay gaps exist by group/category
  • simulates the costs you will incur if you adjust your gender pay gap
  • automatically generates the legally required report to help you achieve EUPTD compliance, as well as a detailed gender pay gap report with detailed visualisations, graphs and specific recommendations for action for your organisation
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How you benefit

Conducting a comprehensive job evaluation without the support of a tool is not only time consuming but also costly. Our tool does this for you automatically – all you need to do is submit the relevant pay data. Your individual job evaluation categories can also be fully transferred to the too (optional).

In addition, our tool automatically generates reports that not only show the gender pay gap but also take into account other dimensions such as ethnicity, disability and age. The results can be used to derive bespoke and company-specific results.

Do you have questions, or would you like to contact one of our experts?

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