ESG and forensics: Take preventive action, be transparent when investigating suspect cases

Complex ESG regulations such as the EU taxonomy or the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) require companies to disclose their sustainability data and, in some cases, create new internal structures. Failure to comply with ESG regulations can result in serious consequences from reputational damage to economic losses to prison sentences and fines. The more complex these ESG regulations become, the greater the risk that a company may violate them.

Our experts help you to identify your company’s individual risks and opportunities at an early stage and then develop preventive measures that enable you to master the regulatory challenges. We also assist you in resolving any ESG violations. This helps you not only achieve ESG compliance, but also safeguard and enhance your company’s reputation, and strengthen the trust of your stakeholders – thereby ensuring your long-term economic success.

Our approach to ESG forensics

Suspected cases of ESG violations are typically identified by either internal whistleblowers, external entities such as regulators, or through media coverage. We investigate the possible ESG violation, clarify the facts, document the evidence, and prepare a fact-based ESG forensics report. Our forensics experts also assist you in developing sustainable governance that meets ESG regulations as well as the interests of all the stakeholders. We collaborate closely with a team of 100 ESG experts.

Our solution for ESG forensics

We develop preventive measures and support you in clarifying possible ESG violations. In doing so, our team can assist you by:

  • Leading internal investigations to clarify potential regulatory violations
  • Conducting a materiality test on your company’s governance risks
  • Identifying and developing appropriate safeguards and controls
  • Creating and optimising guidelines and work instructions specific to each topic
  • Implementing and supporting whistleblower systems
  • Establishing the organisational, procedural, and technical prerequisites necessary to be able to quickly and effectively clarify any suspected cases (investigation readiness)
  • Researching business partners to identify any ESG risks (using open-source intelligence)
  • Developing and conducting workshops and employee training sessions

Your advantage

Thanks to our many years of experience in the field of forensics, our collaboration with experts from other specialisations such as consulting and legal advisory services, as well as our global orientation, we are optimally positioned to support you in the event of suspected cases and help you develop and implement preventive measures.

Please get in touch
