IT Law & Digital Business - Integrated and practical legal advice on all matters pertaining to IT law
With twelve offices throughout Germany we are never far away. Our experts work closely with clients of all sectors and company sizes and support them to secure and achieve further sustainable business growth.
More than 42,000 professionals – 26,000+ in our integrated partnership, 16,000+ in the Mazars North America Alliance – ensure friendly and cooperative atmosphere and are dedicated to helping our clients to secure and achieve further sustainable business growth.
We see ourselves as a sparring partner and contribute much more than extensive industry-specific experience and legal expertise. As a globally integrated partnership, we adopt an entrepreneurial approach in supporting our clients in a spirit of cooperation and teamwork. For each project, we select the specialists with the appropriate expertise to provide you with sustainable, customised and legally compliant services.
The digital revolution is the megatrend of our times. Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, Big Data and the rapid development of digital communication and networking offer companies from all sectors unprecedented opportunities and market access. This is based on the appropriate legal structures and the secure exchange of data – both domestically and internationally.
Our experience in the challenges of digitalisation was obtained in numerous successful projects with our clients. As entrepreneurs, we can also share our own experience: We started the transformation of entrepreneurial activities and the digitalisation of our services a few years ago. As a client, you benefit from this know-how.
Our experts are experienced in the field of IT law and are actively involved in industry associations such as Bitkom.
Our IT law & digital business services include but are not limited to:
Drafting of contracts under IT law
- Legal structuring and contract design:
- Hardware
- Software development, licensing and maintenance
- XaaS (in particular, Software, Platform, Infrastructure)
- Hosting, Housing and Colocation
- Service Level Agreements
- Support and distribution
- EULA and General Terms and Conditions
- Drafting, reviewing and optimising contracts for IT products and services
- Contract management support
Rights of use and licences
- Design and development of licensing models
- Software licence management support
Cloud Computing
- Consulting on the development and operation of cloud computing solutions
Open Source Software (OSS)
- Drafting, reviewing and optimising software contracts with OSS components
- Carrying out OSS licence analyses
- Consulting on the application of the General Public License (GPL)
- Consulting on public domain software, freeware, shareware
- Consulting on the OSS-related transactions
- Consulting and support in all phases of outsourcing projects
- Consulting on the industry-specific regulatory requirements of outsourcing projects
IT procurement by the public sector (EVB-IT)
- Legal support for the design and implementation of e-commerce projects
Due diligence under IT law
Internet law/online law
- Telecommunications services and telemedia
- Domains
- Data protection
- Social media
Legal advice on data privacy
Legal advice on IT security and IT compliance