
Risk assessment and responsible conduct – governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) – are key factors here: coordinated processes and a close interlinking of the management areas enable an accurate monitoring of the risks involved. A management team that has mastered the balanced interplay of governance, risk, and compliance; drives the integration of different fields and levels of action; takes into account the stipulated regulations; and sets the course for clear strategies and successful leadership.

Our approach

We understand that the objective of governance, risk, and compliance is to generate synergies, create security, and manage companies successfully. Intelligent confluence and the systematic sharing of information, as well as the integration of various sub-areas, create a separate, overarching system within the company.

Our services

In the area of compliance, we offer the following consulting services:

Compliance management systems and risk management systems

  • Establishment of compliance management systems and risk management systems
  • Performance assessment in terms of effectiveness and efficiency

Anti-corruption and code of conduct

  • Development of codes of conduct, especially in the field of corruption prevention and supplier management

Directors’ and officers' liability

  • Consulting in the area of D&O liability (executive board and CEO liability both internally and externally, liability of supervisory bodies) for corporations, public bodies, and NPOs

Consulting for supervisory boards

  • Advisory and audit services for members of the supervisory board, in particular in connection with their duties according to § 107, paragraph 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act
  • Supervisory board training

Money laundering legislation

  • Conduct money laundering audits
  • Serve as anti-money laundering risk officer

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