Data protection management system (DPMS)

There are 69 cases for which the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) prescribes that individual EU member states specify local regulations for the handling of specific personal data and that these should be ratified in the local laws.

Our approach:

The new Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG-neu) is the local ratification for Germany. It defines selected processes, procedures, actions and parameters for specific cases, resulting in the outlining of an additional framework for your organisation’s business processes.

Our experts have the relevant knowledge and practical experiences in the technical, organisational, procedural and legal areas of statutory data protection for Germany. They offer an all-round support for your data protection organisation in its implementation of the EU GDPR and the new BDSG requirements. In doing so, our experts act within the framework of a data protection management system (DSMS), e.g. according to the specifications of the ISO 27701 international standard.

Experience to date has shown that in many cases unnecessary measures were implemented due to a presumed requirement of the EU GDPR. However, these are often rightly seen as disruptive or superfluous by employees and business partners. To avoid that problem, we track your business transactions so as to identify and integrate the necessary data protection measures for your company.

Our services:

  • Shaping the structural and procedural organisation of statutory data protection
  • Defining and assessing the implementation of technical and organisational measures
  • Evaluating the adherence to data protection regulations in processes
  • Ensuring the completeness and plausibility of the documentation required under data protection law, such as lists of processing activities, risk analyses, data protection impact assessments (DPIA), balance of interests, data protection notices, consents, etc.

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