Certification course for company data protection officers

Management has the explicit responsibility for implementing the EU GDPR at the company. However, the company data protection officer must have well-founded and specialist knowledge, as well as the corresponding expertise in statutory data protection in order to effectively carry out their operative tasks. Training is required for this and should ideally be completed with a recognised certificate.

Our approach:

After a multi-day training course, such as online or in-person, and a successfully completed exam you are eligible to become a Certified Data Protection Officer, in cooperation with our strategic certification partner PECB. During the training, you will learn from experienced data protection practitioners and professional experts and solve example tasks from everyday experience. Subsequently, you will be able to assess data protection issues confidently and pragmatically.

You will gain sound and practical know-how on statutory data protection, as well as on the fundamental principles and requirements of the EU GDPR for a data protection management system (DPMS). Using sample case, course participants will also practice how to successfully set up and introduced a DPMS into a company.

Contents of the course:

  • Day 1: Introduction to EU GDPR concepts and principles
  • Day 2: Naming the data protection officer and analysis of the program in compliance with the EU GDPR
  • Day 3: Data protection officer tasks and the operation of a data protection management system (DPMS)
  • Day 4: Monitoring and continual improvement of compliance as based on the EU GDPR requirements
  • Day 5: Certification exam

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