Cyber-Security-Strategie & Target Operating Model (TOM)

The Executive Board is responsible for cyber security and the development of an appropriate cyber security strategy is essential. The subsequent translation of this strategy into a target operating model (TOM) to optimise the organisational structure and process is no trivial task. Our experienced experts support you so you can successfully master these tasks within your company.

Our approach

Our expert team will develop a cyber security strategy in collaboration with you, tailored specifically to your company and taking your company’s strategy into account. Our experts then draw on their experience in governance to derive a corresponding target operating model (TOM). During the preparation of the cyber security strategy we will support you with the following services:

Our services

  • Review of the fundamental company strategies and goals
  • Evaluating the current threats along with possible scenarios and their potential effects on the company
  • Evaluating the cyberrisks based on the probability of occurrence and their potential effects
  • Evaluating potential (consequential) damages and costs which ought to be budgeted for
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the current security programme

In addition, we will be happy to support you in making your cyber security strategy, along with your company strategy and goals, tangible for your employees.

Contact us
