Cyber security governance

In order to achieve the information security objectives, confidentiality, integrity and availability need to be a core component of your organisational structure. Furthermore, an established cyber security governance is required in your company to manage cyberrisks. Our experienced team of experts will support you while this is being developed, so you can concentrate on your company goals.

Our approach:

Our experts will help you define a fitting cyber security governance structure and process organisation for your company. We will then integrate it into your business processes and help your employees internalize the new governance and process structures. In order for these measures to be successful your organisational structure must be taken into account and its different aspects must be coordinated.

Our services:

  • Designing the framework for the efficient management of the cyber security on the basis of guidelines (governance organisation)
  • Structuring the necessary organisational structures, descriptions and specifications of the respective roles and responsibilities (structural organisation)
  • Recording, describing and integrating the process, procedures and tasks (process organisation)
  • Defining and creating concrete guidelines, templates and checklists for an audit-proof cyber security compliance.

Subsequently, the implementation takes place according to the tried and tested plan-do-check-act (PDCA) procedure:

P: Documentation of guidelines, regulations and requirements

D: Monitoring and controlling the implementation, e.g. organising training and awareness campaigns

C: Measuring the performance according to metrics and KPI

A: Organising re-adjustments where necessary and identifying the required governance adjustment for continuing improvement

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