Cyber security check

Do you require an assessment of the security situation at your company? A cyber security check gives you the necessary insight into just how high your level of security is, thereby ensuring a solid basis from which to decide on the most appropriate cybersecurity measures for your organisation.

Our approach:

According to surveys, more than two thirds of all German companies have fallen victim to cyberattacks. The following statement most certainly applies for everyone else: “The remaining third simply don’t know they’ve been attacked.”

In order to be able to continuously uphold the essential objectives of information security – confidentiality, integrity and accessibility – it is necessary that you use effective and timely security concepts. The basic measures published by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) can serve as a foundation. We continually adapt these concepts in close collaboration with you and corresponding to the current threat situation, enabling you to effectively counter external cyberattacks.

Our services:

  • Assessing the cyber security status
  • Cyber security findings and the corresponding measures
  • Identifying and closing any potential gaps in the action plan
  • Security checks, analysing weak points and penetration testing, according within an agreed scope

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