Increased pensions
Pensions (old-age, disability, widow’s, widower’s and orphan's) granted before 1 January 2023 are increasing starting from the payment of the pension payable after 31 December 2022, in that:
- the basic pension amount has increased by CZK 140 a month,
- the variable amount has increased by 5.1% of the variable amount of the pension that pertains to the day from which the variable amount increases,
- The variable amount is also increased for people with an old-age pension by a childcare allowance, which will amount to CZK 500 for each raised child.
Childcare allowance
The effect of Act No. 323/2021 Coll., which amended the Old Age Insurance Act, comes into force on 1.1.2023.
- It is an increase to pensions and a kind of reward to people who primarily cared for and raised children.
- It amounts to CZK 500 per month per child. In order to reach the total amount, it is always multiplied by the number of children that the given person took care of.
- Always only one of the parents will be able to claim the allowance, specifically the one who took more care of the child.
- Recipients of old-age pensions that arose through the transformation of disability pensions will also be recognised. Widows who receive a reduced retirement pension in parallel with a higher survivor's pension will also be entitled to an unreduced childcare allowance.
- Female pensioners for whom the retirement age was lowered thanks to children and women who submit an application for a pension by the end of 2022 do not have to apply for the childcare allowance. Women who did not report the care for their children and men who took care of children have to apply. For old-age pension applications after 31.12.2022, the application for a childcare allowance will have to be requested at the same time as the application for the old-age pension.
- The amount will be regularly adjusted from 2024 onwards.