Mazars moves to new offices in Port7 in Holešovice
We would also like to inform you that Thursday, January 25, 2024 is the last day you can physically reach us at the current address. From this date, our current office in the IBC building (Pobřežní 620/3, 186 00 Prague 8) will be permanently closed, and we will not be physically available until March 1 due to moving. However, during this time we will be available to you by e-mail, phone and via online conferences. A personal meeting will also be possible by prior arrangement. Moving to new premises will not affect the provision of our services to the extent and quality you are used to.
At the same time, we announce that the registered offices of Mazars s.r.o., Mazars Audit s.r.o. and Mazars Consulting s.r.o. remain the same: Pobřežní 620/3, 186 00 Prague 8. Contractual data and billing addresses do not change. We will inform you in writing about their changes in a timely manner.
We look forward to welcoming you to our new premises.