Surveys, reports and studies

Here you can find industry-specific studies and reports from Mazars' surveys at local and global level.

How do Private Equity act on the performance of their portfolio in Western Europe and CEE region?

We have interviewed 141 PE funds, out of which 20 from the CEE region, whereas 43 interviews were conducted across the continent (including 10 in CEE), and collected insights through an online questionnaire delivered with the support of ARX.

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Mazars C-suite barometer: outlook 2024

Building global ambition

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Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2023/2024

The CEE region stands resilient in the face of global challenges, with attractive investment opportunities and robust domestic and cross-border dealmaking potential in 2024.

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Mazars CEE deal advisory highlights 2023

In 2023 Mazars has been ranked the 3rd leading deal advisor in Central & Eastern Europe, based on the Mergermarket CEE Accountant League Table by the number of successful deals, and among the top 5 players by disclosed M&A deal value in CEE.

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study H1 2023

Has the European banking sector achieved renewed stability amidst a troubled macroeconomic context? Over the past three years, the banking sector has had to endure numerous crises, including Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. What do the 2023 interim results of the 26 largest banks in Europe indicate about the impact on Expected Credit Losses (ECL) in this unusual environment?

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Sustainable, smart, and synchronised: using technology to accelerate the ESG transition in the consumer sector

Mature markets are experiencing a shift in consumer demand patterns as consumers move away from traditional products and services towards those consistent with environmental, social, and governance goals. Our study ‘Sustainable, smart, and synchronised’ explains how consumer companies can harness ESG and digital transformation to thrive in this changing environment.

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C-suite barometer 2023: ESG insights

With sustainability rising to the top of the C-suite agenda for planned investment, our C-suite ESG insights reports explore the current sustainability trends, priorities and challenges for businesses.

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2023

How are Expected Credit Losses of European banks impacted by increasingly common unprecedented events?

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Towards a transparent audit market: audit fees benchmark of listed public interest entities in the EU

Audit fee transparency is essential to ensure a fair and competitive audit market, as well as provide an indicator of the audit effort for the benefit of shareholders. In the public interest, this transparency should not result in driving costs down, but provide a basis for discussion to ensure auditors have the means to deliver a quality audit.

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