Payroll Newsletters 2023
You will find below all payroll and personal agenda related newsletters from 2023.
Mazars Payroll Newsletter 11/2023 - Newsletter not only about payroll

In 2023, the Czech Government presented its “consolidation” package, which aims to stabilise public finances, on the one hand by increasing some income, on the other hand through state savings (i.e., by cutting national subsidies, reducing the costs of state employees, etc.).
Mazars Payroll Newsletter 9/2023 - Newsletter not only about payroll

In this issue of the Payroll Newsletter, we bring you information about the amendment to the Labour Code, pension reform and the new obligations of employers toward the Labour Office of the Czech Republic.
Mazars Payroll Newsletter 6/2023 - Newsletter not only about payroll

In this issue of the Payroll newsletter, we bring you information on the taking of holidays, the forthcoming amendment to the Labour Code, the proposal of the consolidation package and pension reform, as well as information on the obligation of employer’s with more than 50 employees to establish an internal notification system.
Mazars Payroll Newsletter - Archive 2023
You will find below all payroll and personal agenda related newsletters from 2023.
Mazars Payroll Newsletter 1/2023 - Newsletter not only about payroll

Introducing the new issue of our Payroll Newsletter, in which we regularly inform you of news in the field and introduce current legislation, while you can also learn more about our seminars, webinars and other activities.