Forvis Mazars' service offering in the area of EQUAL-SALARY certification (equal pay for women and men)

How would the working environment within your company change if everyone knew they were being rewarded fairly? What would it mean for your company to be seen as a leader in equal pay? Have you ever wondered how equal pay can affect the loyalty and motivation of your employees or potential job applicants? Are you aware that equal pay can be the key not only to ethics but also to your company's economic performance?

Focusing on equal pay is not just a matter of complying with the law driven by Transparency Pay Directive of the European Parliament and of the EU Council 2023/970 - it's a strategic advantage that strengthens team culture, increases employee engagement and leads to greater overall effectiveness. It is now on the agenda of company leaders, especially those in charge of HR. Achieving EQUAL-SALARY certification allows organisations to demonstrate that they reward their employees, both women and men, equally and adds significant value.

EQUAL-SALARY cerfitifation is issued by the EQUALSALARY Foundation, an independent Swiss non-profit organisation that promotes equal pay - and thus equal opportunities - for women and men in companies around the world. The certification is based on a rigorous scientific approach and was developed in collaboration with the University of Geneva and financially supported by the Swiss Confederation.

Any organisation with at least 50 employees, of which at least 10 are women, can apply for this certification.

Our EQUAL-SALARY certification services:
Over the past few years, Forvis Mazars has built up a multidisciplinary team of consultants who specialize in various consulting servises in area of ESG (Enviroment-Social-Governance). As an accredited partner of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation, we are authorised to carry out audits leading to EQUAL-SALARY certification.

How does the Equal Salary certification service work? - step by step
EQUAL-SALARY is an internationally recognized certification based on a four-step methodology based on ISO 9000 quality standards.
1.       The statistical analysis is carried out by the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation on the basis of a methodology developed in collaboration with the University of Geneva. Collected data is then analysed to determine whether the gender pay gap is less than or equal to 5% and to highlight a list of specific cases that will need to be explained or addressed if necessary.

2.       If the company achieves a satisfactory result in the initial analysis, Forvis Mazars is asked to carry out qualitative audits leading to the EQUAL-SALARY certificate. This phase includes document review and on-site audits at the company's headquarters by accredited Equal Salary auditors. The auditors examine, among other things, the HR processes in place and management's commitment to equal salary and conduct interviews to obtain the views of employees.

3.       On the basis of Forvis Mazars' report, the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation decides whether to issue a certificate. The organisation then has the right to use the "EQUAL-SALARY certified" logo for three years.
4.       During this period, the company must undergo two monitoring audits. After that, the process of renewing the certificate starts again. Certification goes far beyond salary analysis. It requires a clear and sustained commitment from management and the existence of effective HR processes that enable continuous improvement of gender equality in the company.

Don't let the complexity of certification take you by surprise and be prepared in time. We're here to help you on your journey to gender salary equity in your company.


Equal salary EN

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