Payroll newsletters 2020
You will find below all payroll and personal agenda related newsletters.
Mazars Payroll Newsletter 11/2020
We would like to present you with the next issue of our Payroll newsletter, in which we regularly inform you of news in the field and current legislation and you will also learn more about our seminars, webinars and other activities.
Mazars Payroll Newsletter 7/2020
We would like to present you with the next issue of our Payroll newsletter, in which we regularly inform you of news in the field and current legislation.
Mazars Payroll Newsletter 5/2020 - Newsletter nejen o mzdovém účetnictví
Představujeme vám nové číslo Payroll newsletteru, ve kterém vás pravidelně informujeme o novinkách v oboru mzdového účetnictví, představujeme aktuální legislativu v oblasti mzdového účetnictví a dozvídáte se také bližší údaje o našich seminářích a dalších aktivitách.
Payroll newsletter - January 2020

We would like to introduce you to the latest issue of the Payroll Newsletter, in which we regularly inform you of news in the field and current legislation and you can learn about the latest information about our seminars and other activities.
Want to know more?