Post Merger Integration issues in China

The French Chamber M&A working group in Beijing, coordinated by Thierry Labarre (Mazars) and Christine Lambert-Goue (Invest Securities) has invited Mr. Wang Rong, Principal with Roland Berger Strategy Consultants China, to discuss the key trends for M&A in China, the typical issues raised during the post-merger integration phase (including the specificities in China) and Roland Berger experience in this field.

Wang Rong is a Principal with Roland Berger Strategy Consultants China. With a Ph.D. from Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, he has over 11 years of experience in management consulting and management experience in industry. Dr. Wang Rong is currently responsible for Roland Berger Greater China's Transportation, Energy, and M&A Competence Centers. Dr. Wang has wide-ranging experience in financial services, transportation, energy, fast-moving consumer goods and engineered products, with in-depth expertise in the functional areas of corporate strategy, sales and marketing, organization & governance, mergers and acquisitions and operations management.

Date: Wednesday, November 24th 2010

Time: 8:30-10:30

Language: English

Venue: CCIFC Beijing (Map enclosed)


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