May 2024 - Continually implementing comprehensive policies to stabilize employment

To further support the enterprises to stabilize jobs and fully play the role of unemployment insurance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has announced a comprehensive set of policy measures to continually stabilize employment.

Rate reduction on unemployment insurance premium continually

·       The unemployment insurance rate will remain at 1%, with both the employer and employee contributing 0.5% each, continuing the reduced rate from May 2023 to December 2025.


Refund unemployment fund

To provide financial relief and support for job stability,

·       For Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprises, a refund up to 60% of the unemployment fund paid in 2023

·       For large enterprises, a refund up to 30% of the unemployment fund paid in 2023


We will keep you posted if further details on how to apply for the refund are announced.

We remain available should you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Mazars point of contact.


Continually implementing comprehensive policies to stabilize employment
