

Beyond the GAAP - April 2024 Issue

On 9 April 2024, the IASB published IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements, the new standard that will replace the current IAS 1. This standard, the culmination of the Primary Financial Statements (PFS) project initiated in 2015, aims to improve the comparability, quality and transparency of financial information for users of financial statements. It will apply retrospectively to reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2027 at the latest (subject to endorsement by the European Union, earlier application will be possible). Given the structural changes it introduces, we believe it is important to pay immediate attention to this new standard in order to anticipate the necessary changes to internal systems and processes for producing financial statements and, perhaps, to rethink the way in which financial performance is reported.


Beyond the GAAP - May 2024 Issue

In May, EFRAG issued some important documents to support large entities that are required to publish a sustainability statement under ESRS. EFRAG had first issued a compilation of explanations provided to stakeholders in response to questions posed on the Q&A platform opened last October. In addition to reproducing some of the answers already published, this compilation includes 44 new explanations on sometimes sensitive technical issues, such as how to determine the metrics required by ESRS.


Beyond the GAAP - April 2022 Issue

As reported in our previous issue, Turkey was recently added to the list of
hyperinflationary economies. As a result, groups will need to apply IAS 29 to their Turkish operations for all financial periods that include 1 April 2022, notably the interim financial statements to 30 June. Beyond the GAAP provides a recap of this little-used standard, which can often prove complicated to apply.


Beyond the GAAP - March 2022 Issue

With the war in Ukraine raging for over a month now, it is time for companies to assess the impact of the crisis on their financial statements – though obviously, not all companies will have the same level of exposure. While market regulators and national authorities have already published statements drawing entities’ attention to their duty of transparency in disclosures, there are certain issues where clarification is needed. We provide some answers in this issue.


Beyond the GAAP - February 2022 Issue

While February 2022 has seen very little drama on the corporate reporting front, the current situation in Ukraine provides a stark and appalling contrast. Although the situation is changing rapidly, companies that close their accounts after 24 February must start thinking now about the impacts of these events and of the first sanctions imposed on Russia. For those whose reporting period ended before 24 February but that have not yet authorised their financial statements for issue, a non-adjusting post-balance sheet event may need to be recorded in some cases.


Beyond the GAAP - December 2021 Issue

As 2021 gives way to 2022, the Beyond the GAAP editorial team would like to wish you all the best for the coming year! We expect another busy year in terms of accounting news, with an obvious major development being the expected completion of the Primary Financial Statements project. However, the key focus of the year is likely to be the development of sustainability reporting standards.


Beyond the GAAP - November 2021 Issue

As 2021 approaches its close, we present our traditional year-end overview of the new standards and amendments applicable at 31 December. Once again, no major new standards have been published this year, but insurers should take note: the European Union has finally adopted IFRS 17 (with some tweaks) and it will come into effect from 1 January 2023. Early application is permitted.


Beyond the GAAP - October 2021 Issue

At the end of October, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published its common priorities at European level for the 2021 reporting period.


Beyond the GAAP - September 2021 Issue

While many were waiting, sometimes apprehensively, for the IASB's (tentative) decision on the reintroduction of goodwill amortisation, the Board held off at its September meeting, asking the staff to conduct further research on the subsequent accounting for goodwill.


Beyond the GAAP - July August 2021 Issue

In mid-July, the European adoption process for IFRS 17 took a big step forward when the Accounting Regulatory Committee voted to endorse the new standard. EU endorsement is now expected in the fourth quarter of 2021.

