Beyond the GAAP - June 2013 issue

After the May publication of the 2nd leases exposure draft, another long-term project now sees re-publication: on 20 June the IASB and the FASB published their new proposals for insurance contracts. It looks likely to be a busy summer for commentators!

Three years have passed since the original draft was published in July 2010. Three years of discussions to redefine the main principles for accounting for insurance contracts, in the hope that these proposals will in future attract the support of stakeholders. To know whether this aim has been met, the two boards must now await the results of the comment letters, which can be submitted until 25 October 2013.



IFRS Standards

  • IASB work plan
  • Insurance contracts – Publication of a new exposure draft
  • Bearer biological assets
  • Publication of the IAS 39 and IFRS 9 amendment Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting
  • IASB publishes an IFRS guide for SMEs


A Closer Look 

  • IFRIC issues definitive interpretation on levies (IFRIC 21) 


Beyond the GAAP, June 2013 issue
