March 2012

At the end of March, the IASB updated its work plan, once again postponing the publication of documents relating to the joint projects on Financial Instruments and Leases.

In the case of Financial Instruments, publication of the Review Draft on hedge accounting and the Discussion Paper (or exposure draft, depending on the IASB’s final decision) on macro-hedging have been put back to the second quarter and second half of 2012, respectively.

More surprisingly, the publication of the second exposure draft on Leases has also been postponed to the second half of 2012. This new delay has led some observers to question the IASB’s ability to win acceptance for its new model and to lead this project to a conclusion within a reasonable time.


  • The IASB updated its work plan
  • IASB to‘re-open’ IFRS 8
  • An interpretation on levies charged for participation in a specific market expected soon
  • Publication of the amendment to IFRS 1 on loans received from governments at a below market rate of interest
  • EFRAG launches new study on IFRS 10
  • Meeting between EFRAG and IASB to discuss the progress of the convergence work plan

A Closer Look 

  • Insurance Contracts (IFRS 4 Phase II): what stage are we of the project? (part two)


Beyond the GAAP, March 2012 issue