Collective Intelligence magazine, issue #1 (March 2014)

This first issue of "Collective Intelligence" magazine is a special edition dedicated to our year-long "The Good Bank" global discussion.



The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Point of View
Brian Gardner, the Senior Editor of the EIU, reflects on what he has taken away from the Good Bank debate.

The Good Bank programme
The results of a collection of opinions and visions for what makes a Good Bank from banking experts, entrepreneurs, innovators, academia and you.

The Good Bank Interviews
Financial experts provide their personal definition of a Good Bank.

Thought Leadership Insights
from Mazars leaders around the world on today’s most pressing regulations and reputational challenges.

See how the Good Bank debate was promoted with a digital marketing campaign, promoting social media users to joinin on the conversation.

A Global Exchange
The Good Bank debate traversed three continents and six countries, each event providing a deeper understanding of the topic.

Mazars in Action
Learn how Mazars is contributing to the financial sector around the world, from working with the European Parliament tocreating a financial literacy program in Pakistan.



The interactive version is available by clicking here.


Collective intelligence magazine, March 2014

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