Développement durable
Aider les entreprises, les organisations, les investisseurs, le secteur public et les organisations à but non lucratif à placer le développement durable au cœur de leur activité.
Contenu en anglais
To support businesses, ecoDa and Mazars have joined forces to create this practical guide to help board members and leadership teams navigate their sustainability journey and achieve sustainable success. From why leaders should commit to fostering sustainability, to how to move to determined action, this guide offers a wide range of insights on what aspects to consider and what questions to discuss.
Using a practical approach, the guide addresses the importance of leadership and direction in sustainability efforts, and the increasing legal and regulatory responsibilities directors face in this area. It is intended for boards of listed and privately owned business, including those led by entrepreneurs or family business owners.
Firstly, the guide offers insights on why directors and leadership teams should place sustainability high on their agenda, setting out seven critical success factors for directors to focus on in shaping the path ahead:
The second section offers a series of questions designed to enable directors and leadership teams to identify areas where further action is needed, while the final section provides a tool to assess the stage at which a business is currently situated along their sustainability journey.
By working through this practical guide, boards and leadership teams will be able to identify which changes will have the greatest impact and which they should prioritise to create a clear action plan, tailored to their business.
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