Daniel Spicher Executive Director

Daniel Spicher


  • Executive MBA
  • LL.M., Attorney-at-law
  • Master of Law

Professional experience

  • Large experience in the areas of Legal & Compliance (Corporate- & Financial Markets Compliance) since 2010
  • Chief Compliance Officer of an international industrial group: management/further development of an effective compliance management system, introduction of a whistleblowing system, execution of internal investigations, implementation of training courses as well as compliance health checks at group companies, reporting to management and board of directors
  • Advising various financial institutions, including on-site support with a focus on banking law, money laundering law, inheritance law as well as international tax issues and drafting of model forms, model contracts and model instructions as well as expert opinions on compliance and legal issues
  • Speaker at professional trainings and compliance conferences, project management in the areas of data protection, data governance and code of conduct (e-learning)
  • Since 2015 Member of the Transfer Commission Swiss Football League


  • German / English / French