Swiss Tax e-newsletter - November 2021
Discover the recent tax news in our newsletter (content in French)
Switzerland conditionally agrees to the new OECD guidelines on international taxation

Switzerland could reform international taxation and introduce an obligation for multinational companies to pay a fair share of taxes wherever they operate.
CO2 certificates and similar rights: towards new VAT principles?

On 24 September 2021, the Federal Council published a new message concerning the partial revision of the VAT Act. Among the proposed changes is a new taxation principle specifically dedicated to "transfers of emission rights and other similar rights".
Strengthening the attractiveness of Switzerland through the introduction of the tonnage tax for seagoing vessels

According to the reported figures, in 2019, the Swiss shipping sector ranked 9th worldwide and 4th in Europe on the basis of tonnage, which makes Switzerland one of the leading countries in this field. It is therefore hardly surprising that the introduction of a tonnage tax has been under discussion since the early 2000s.
Stamp duty and quasi-merger

In the recent decision A-1121/2020 of 30 June 2021, the Federal Administrative Court discussed and decided whether stamp duty is due on a transaction or whether the exception in the sense of a quasi-merger applies according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. abis of the Stamp Duty Act (TD, SR 641.10 of 27 June 1973).