Véronique Veyrassat Executive Director

Véronique Veyrassat


  • Master in International Relations (IHEID, University of Geneva)
  • Impact Measurement & Management Graduate School of Business (University of Cape Town)
  • Communication diploma (SAWI)

Professional experience

  • More than 20 years of experience in a wide array of sustainability related topics: from philanthropy, to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) strategy development or assessment, to social investment, impact management and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) alignment
  • Advisor for family offices, foundations and funds, NGOs and corporates in Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Assessment of ESG strategies of Socially Responsible Investment funds listed portfolio companies in Europe and Africa
  • ESG and impact lead of impact funds and foundations based in the UAE, Jordan, Zambia and Switzerland and development of impact management and measurement approaches aligned to the SDGs
  • Former Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross Foundation (ICRC) and Aide et Action Switzerland


  • French / English