Confectionery Retailer

"Mazars’ deep understanding of local regulations in Thailand and its expertise in accounting and payroll services has allowed us to focus on expanding our business." - Senior Vice President and Regional Director


A US-headquartered confectionary retailer was looking to expand into the Thai market. The retailer had minimal understanding of the local statutory and compliance regulations in Thailand and needed a trusted partner they could rely on when setting up their business in the local confectionary retail market.


Mazars worked closely with top management to ensure the business was fully compliant. Thereafter, mazars also provided outsourced accounting and payroll solutions which helped the business remain agile in a period of accelerated growth. Our team recognises the need to establish a good working relationship with our clients so as to understand their needs well, allowing us to craft solutions fit for the client. Mazars also provided a global perspective, which the retailer valued given their international presence.


With our solution and advice, the client has since expanded from one shop to four shops today and has increased their sales and transaction volumes, turning Thailand into one of their most successful markets. Today, Mazars continues to support our client through handling their accounting and payroll.


Mazars case studies_​ Confectionery retailer

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