IFRS 15: Disclosures - A Closer Look
Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, Disclosures
09 July 2019
We decided to focus on two key requirements of the standard: the disclosures required on disaggregation of revenue and the disclosures relating to the transaction price allocated to unsatisfied performance obligations (or in other words, the “order backlog”, defined and measured in accordance with IFRS 15). These two issues raised a lot of questions from preparers of financial statements prior to initial application of IFRS 15, and regulators are therefore paying close attention to these topics. Our study aims to examine the decisions made by the groups in our sample, and to identify good practice. It also puts forward some points for consideration in the future, with a view to improving and enriching disclosures in the notes.
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