Redeliberations continue on Goodwill and Impairment project

On 24 May 2023, the IASB met to discuss its Goodwill and Impairment project, in particular the proposed changes to IAS 36 Impairment of Assets in relation to the impairment test of cash-generating units containing goodwill.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, IASB, IAS 36, Goodwill, Impairment  

13 July 2023 

At the end of this meeting, the IASB tentatively decided to retain the requirement to perform a quantitative impairment test annually, rejecting the alternatives suggested in the Discussion Paper Business Combinations—Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment. On the same topic, the IASB tentatively decided that it was not feasible to design a different impairment test that would, at a reasonable cost, be significantly more effective than the impairment test currently required by IAS 36. 

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