Press releases

You will find here our Group and local press releases, announcing the latest news and changes.

The EU Public Country-by-Country reporting (CbCR) enters into force tomorrow, 21 December 2021

Public Country-by-Country reporting (CbCR) is officialised with the publication of Directive (EU) 2021/2101, amending Directive 2013/34/EU on reporting of income tax information by certain undertakings and branches.

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Mazars global study reveals most businesses are overconfident about their level of data maturity

Mazars global study reveals most businesses are overconfident about their level of data maturity

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VAT collection, the main issue of the Romanian authorities, which may be solved through digitalisation

In December 2021, the European Commission published the VAT Gap report for 2019. The good news is that, at the European Union (EU) level, the VAT collection rate has increased again, and Member States have lost about €7bn less than the previous year. However, if we look at the absolute value of the VAT amount that the tax authorities have failed to collect, the losses are still significant - €134bn.

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The new world of work calls for an improved compensation strategy: flexible working, mental health programs, and agile leadership

29 November 2021

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Global compliance source of opportunity: builds trust and business reputation, reveals survey from Mazars

23 November 2021

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The automotive industry at the tipping-point: sustainable, intelligent, and user-centric mobility at a cost

3 November 2021

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Sustainable finance policy tracker from Mazars and OMFIF brings clarity to global progress on sustainability regulation

13 October 2021

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Today’s reality: remote work, how are the employees supported by their employers, and the Agile philosophy within the companies

30 September 2021

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Mazars publishes its latest Central and Eastern European Tax Guide

22 July 2021

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Brexit – adapting to a changing environment

30 June 2021

Brexit – adapting to a changing environment, its impact on the Romanian economy, and what rules you should follow, both as a business owner, as well as a citizen

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