Webinar series: Tax challenges and the digital agenda for 2022

After many requests from the business environment, as well as various statements issued by the tax authorities, ANAF digitalisation has been included on the agenda for 2022. This brings several challenges and opportunities for businesses, and it is very important to stay up to date with the latest developments.

IF you have missed our webinars, we invite you to watch the recordings below. 

The SAF-T implementation and the RO e-Invoice and RO e-Transport systems | 12 April 2022

Watch the recording

The ambitious deadlines set by the Romanian tax authorities in the context of the digitalization of the tax administration by implementing the latest initiatives - SAF-T, RO e-Invoice and RO e-Transport systems are the main challenges of the business environment agenda.

The Standard Audit File for Tax – SAF-T is a standardized file that facilitates fiscal control by the Romanian tax authorities and simplifies tax compliance for taxpayers. In addition to this, SAF-T also guarantees the information security.

Starting with January 2022, the large taxpayers in Romania are required to declare their tax and accounting information electronically through the SAF-T system.

As this reporting has raised multiple questions and challenges, our specialists are reacting and offering you support to successfully submit your file.

Ro e-Invoice and RO e-Transport systems

Starting with 1 April 2022 (optional), respectively with 1 July 2022 (mandatory), companies involved in transactions with high-risk products will use the RO e-Invoice system to issue invoices and will have to report specific data in the RO e-Transport system.

Given that the intention of the authorities is to extend these requirements, companies should prepare in advance in order to meet the new compliance obligations.


  • Practical and technical aspects of the SAF-T implementation
  • Next steps for the small and medium taxpayers for the SAF-T reporting process
  • The new RO e-Invoice and RO e-Transport systems: purpose, deadlines and challenges in practice
  • Q&A session


  • Monica Petrea, Tax Director Mazars Romania
  • Andreea Ignătescu, Tax Manager Mazars Romania
  • Alexandru Stanciu, Tax Senior Manager Mazars Romania

SAF-T implementation in Romania. News and challenges for 2022 | 3 February 2022

Mazars' webinar series has started with a webinar organised on 3 February 2022, at 10:30 AM.

Watch the recording

As part of its digital transformation strategy, the Romanian tax authorities have started to implement SAF-T in Romania on 1 January 2022. The first companies required to submit their SAF-T statements are the large taxpayers, followed next year by the medium-sized taxpayers and the small taxpayers in 2023.

Mazars has developed a solution to help companies submit their statements successfully, and we are ready to support the large taxpayers through the challenges that may appear in the following year(s). 


  • SAF-T – news and challenges for 2022 
  • Practical aspects regarding the implementation and reporting process
  • Our IT solution - demo
  • Q&A


  • Monica Petrea, Tax Director
  • Andreea Ignătescu, Tax Manager

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