ESEF Reporting
The Transparency Directive imposes on European groups listed on regulated markets a Single Electronic Reporting Format (ESEF). It consists in publishing the annual financial report (RFA) in xHTML format, accompanied by a markup language (xBRL), for IFRS consolidated financial statements based on the ESEF taxonomy published by ESMA, for the financial years starting January 1, 2020.
On 25 June, Mazars organized in partnership with ARIR and Invoke the webinar “ESEF Reporting: easily produce a compliant and “glossy” iXBRL AFR”.
The webinar approached the following topics:
- An introduction to ESMA’s ESEF requirements
- Understanding the key challenges and the new reporting process
- The New Single Source of Truth Annual Financial Report: the importance of GAP analysis & European Regulatory Standpoint
- Olivier Cornet, Director of Invoke UK
- Andrei Sestovschi, Head of Sales, Invoke UK
- Otto Strasszer, Senior Manager, Financial Services, Mazars
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