IFRS for financial instruments

Our latest IFRS guidebook draws on several relevant standards to tackle the entire range of challenges related to financial instruments among which: recognition and derecognition, classification and measurement, impairment for credit risk, derivatives and hedging, and related disclosures. It includes all the new requirements introduced by IFRS 9 and the related amendments to other standards such as IFRS 7.

Forvis Mazars IFRS guidebook aims at helping preparers, users and auditors of financial statements develop their theoretical and practical understanding. Our objective is to provide useful tools and insights on the challenging issues that may be encountered when applying IFRSs. All the concepts are illustrated by numerous examples.

How can Forvis Mazars help you?

  • Applications developed to calculate the expected credit loss - Forvis Mazars has two Microsoft Excel-based applications that can be customized for your work.
  • Assistance in preparing and reviewing IFRS financial statements – We have a strong knowledge of the accounting principles regarding IFRS, which allows us to offer you complex approaches to complex topics.
  • Extensive experience accumulated in applying and interpreting IFRS - Forvis Mazars is among the 7 companies that are advisers of the IASB.

To download Forvis Mazars IFRS Guidebook, click on the button below:

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Forvis Mazars IFRS guidebook provides 10 key points for financial instruments: 

  • Chapter 1: Scope of standards applicable to financial instruments 
  • Chapter 2: Definitions and abbreviations used
  • Chapter 4: Amortised Cost
  • Chapter 6: Recognition and initial measurement
  • Chapter 7: Classification of financial assets
  • Chapter 8: Classification of financial liabilities
  • Chapter 9: Subsequent Measurement of financial instruments (including impairment)
  • Chapter 13: Derivatives and embedded derivatives
  • Chapter 14: Hedge accounting under IFRS 9
  • Chapter 16: Disclosures about financial instruments

This insight is in English and a French version will be available soon. Please note that chapters 3, 5, 10, 11, 12 and 15 will also be added at a later stage.

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