Tax News

You will find here changes in the tax regulations discussed and commented by Mazars' experts.

Obligation to publish information on implemented tax strategy

We kindly remind you of the approaching deadline for the largest business entities to comply with the obligation to publish information on the implemented tax strategy. The statutory deadline for the publication of information on the tax strategy implemented in 2023 for most taxpayers (for which the tax year coincides with the calendar year) is 31 December 2024.

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KSeF shall become mandatory from 2026

According to the latest announcement issued by the Minister of Finance, the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF) is to be mandatory as of February 1, 2026 for entities whose sales value in the previous fiscal year exceeded amount of PLN 200 million. However, from April 1, 2026 KSeF should become obligatory for other entrepreneurs.

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New obligations for international and domestic groups - the global minimum tax

On 26 April 2024, a draft act on top-up taxation of constituent entities of international and domestic groups presenting the principles for the implementation of the EU regulations on the global minimum tax into Polish domestic legislation was published.

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Minimum tax (CIT)

The so-called minimum tax is effective as of 2024 and is a new parallel form of taxation alongside the "regular" CIT.

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Mandatory e-invoicing postponed (VAT)

As originally intended, the mandatory KSeF was to go into effect on July 1, 2024.

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Slim VAT 3 package - changes starting July 1, 2023.

On June 1 of this year, the President of the Republic of Poland signed an amendment to the VAT Act and certain other laws as part of the so-called Slim VAT 3 package. The main part of the changes is to take effect on July 1, 2023. The following is a summary of the most significant VAT changes envisaged in this package.

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Mandatory e-invoices system (KSeF)

Dear Sirs,

As we have already informed in the previous alerts, intensive legislative works are currently being carried out in Poland on VAT regulations implementing the obligation to use the so-called "e-invoices" (i.e. issuing electronic invoices in a structured form, with the use of the KSeF government platform and a pre-defined template, the so-called "schema").

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The date of entry into force of the obligation to issue e-invoices via KSeF has been postponed

After conducting public consultations, the Ministry of Finance published on its website a message informing about the postponement of the entry into force of the obligation to issue e-invoices via the KSeF platform to July 1, 2024.

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Transfer Pricing: CBC-P for financial year 2022 should be submitted by March 31st, 2023

Pursuant to the exchange of tax information act, the Polish taxpayers belonging to large international groups are subject to additional obligations, such as reporting on entities which are part of the group (Country-by-Country-Report, CbC-R) or indicating the entity in charge of delivering such information (CbC-P).

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Research and Development relief

Extended under the provisions of the so-called "Polish Deal", the package of pro-innovation and pro-development reliefs, in force since 2022, currently consists of the research and development relief, IP Box relief, robotization relief, innovative employees relief, prototype relief and expansion relief.

Beginning of a new year is a good time to both consider the possibility of taking advantage of tax reliefs for the passing year and to consider the implementation of some solutions starting from 2023. In today's tax alert, we will look at the research and development relief that has been in operation since 2016, which has become even more attractive since January 1, 2022, as discussed below. Our team remains at your disposal to discuss the possibility of taking advantage of the research and development relief in your company.

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