Press releases

You will find below Forvis Mazars´ press releases.

Volume and value of M&A transactions in 2021 in the CEE region increased by more than 30%, the largest transaction was Avast

Mazars, the international auditing, tax and consulting company, in cooperation with Mergermarket, introduced the “Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A Report 2021/22” study, according to which the value of concluded transactions in 2021 in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region is the highest in the past five years. Mazars’ research indicates that fear of the Covid-19 pandemic, growing inflation and energy market volatility do not play a decisive role for investors. According to the experts, this means a promising beginning of the year 2022 from the perspective of transaction activity.

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Double digit growth reflects strength, balance and sustainability of Mazars’ integrated business model and strategy

2 February 2022: Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today announces fee income of €2.1bn in its 2020/2021 financial year (1 September 2020 – 31 August 2021), representing a 12.3% increase (excluding forex impact of -1.6%) compared to the previous financial year. The increase in fee income comprises strong organic growth (9.4%), complemented by external growth of 2.7%.

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Mazars global study reveals most businesses are overconfident about their level of data maturity, 9.12.2021

Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, with research partner DataGalaxy, today announces the release of its first global study on data – The race to data maturity: Is your business as far ahead as you think? Over 1,100 business leaders from 21 countries, working in different size organisations in various industries and sectors participated in an online survey. The goal was to determine the self-assessed data maturity – or ‘fitness’ – of organisations and gauge how this self-assessment measured up to the actual programmes, processes and policies they have in place.

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Mazars CEE Tax Guide 2021: Taxes in Central and Eastern Europe fell as a result of the pandemic; 22.7.2021

The international auditing and consulting firm Mazars is publishing its ninth “CEE Tax Guide”, which offers businesses and investors a unique comparison of tax systems in 21 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The publication, in which Germany, Austria, Russia and Ukraine are also represented in addition to the Visegrad countries, the south European and the Baltic states, mainly monitors labour costs, indirect taxes, as well as various aspects of corporate taxation and transfer pricing. According to the guide, the global pandemic triggered several changes to tax systems. The study also looks at long-term trends, because business corporation investment decisions are also based on an analysis of trends and changes in regional tax regimes.

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Undeterred by Covid-19, dealmaking in the CEE region remained remarkably steady in 2020

The disruption caused by Covid-19 to CEE’s M&A market was short-lived as dealmaking returned to the fore in the second half of the year, according to a new report published by Mazars in association with Mergermarket.

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Mazars shares global market view on future direction of audit, 17.2.2021

Paris, 17 February 2021: Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases the results of its survey of 500 audit users and decision makers from 12 countries in ‘The future of audit: market view - myths, realities and ways forward’.

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Resilience despite Covid-19: New annual barometer from Mazars shows C-suite surprisingly optimistic about future, 3.2.2021

3 February 2021: Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases its new ‘Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer’, a comprehensive report of business executives’ views and outlook for 2021, based on insights from over 500 C-suite leaders around the world.

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Mazars announced global rebrand, 21.10. 2020

Paris, Praha 21. říjen 2020 – Mezinárodní auditorská, daňová a poradenská společnost Mazars dnes ve vice než 90 zemích a teritoriích, kde působí, slavnostně odhalila novou brandovou identitu značky. Tento krok představuje významný milník v sedmdesáti pěti leté historii skupiny. Rebranding je zároveň součástí globální strategie Mazars, jejíž záměrem je přinést na auditorský a poradenský trh výběr a jiný pohled na auditorskou a poradenskou praxi. Cílem rebrandingu je také plnění závazku společnosti, která dlouhodobě usiluje o spravedlivý, prosperující a udržitelný svět.

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Mazars asistoval Genesis Capital při akvizici největšího provozovatele callcenter, 25.5.2020

Praha, 25. května, 2020 - Oddělení transakčního poradenství Mazars asistovalo skupině Genesis Capital při akvizici největšího provozovatele zákaznických telefonních center v Česku, společnosti Conectart. Skupina zařadila Conectart do portfolia svého fondu rozvojového kapitálu Genesis Private Equity Fund III (GPEF III). Prodávajícím byla investiční skupina KKCG.

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Mazars v médiích - Naši odborníci z oddělení auditu, daňového poradenství, účetního poradenství, znaleckého ústavu byli citování v následujících mediálních článcích a komentářích.

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