Tax Newsletter - Archive

Forvis Mazars Tax View - archive of tax articles

Windfall tax

It enters into force on January 1, 2023 the amendment to the Income Tax Act to introduce a new type of corporate income tax for the calendar years 2023 to 2025, namely a tax on unexpected earnings (commonly referred to as an extraordinary tax, war tax or windfall tax). The administrator of this separate corporate income tax should be the Specialised Tax Office, but in the case of the energy sector, proposals are also made for the administration of the tax to be entrusted to the Energy Regulatory Office.

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CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 3/2022

Get a better overview of the most important changes in tax, labour, and payroll legislation in the CEE region.

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Changes in excise duties from February 2023

An important amendment to the Excise Tax Act was adopted far in advance by Act No. 179/2022 Coll., a substantial part of which comes into effect from 13 February 2023. Some of the provisions will already be effective from 1 November 2022 and the change concerning the beer tax warehouse already came into effect on 28 June 2022.

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Taxation of low-emission vehicles provided to employees for business and private purposes

Amendment to the Income Tax Act.

From 1 July 2022, an amendment to the Income Tax Act came into effect. It changes the regulation of the amount of income of an employee who was provided a company car for business and personal purposes.

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Financial lease back from the VAT perspective in the light of case law

The General Financial Directorate (hereinafter as the “GFD”) recently expressed its views on the application of VAT on lease back during Coordination Committee No. 592/23.03.22 (hereinafter as the “Committee”), which definitively changed many years of deep-rooted practice when financial lease back was considered to be two separate, mutually-provided transactions.

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DAC 6 – practical examples for reporting of cross-border arrangements

At the end of June 2022, the Czech Financial Administration published on its website the expected supplement to questions on the reporting of cross-border arrangements pursuant to Directive DAC 6, which is implemented by the Czech Republic in Act No. 164/2013 Coll., on International Cooperation in Tax Administration (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”). Below you will find a summary of the responses to selected questions.

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Deadlines for assessment of the income tax when the tax loss is carried back

The deadline for assessment of the income tax is the period during which the tax authority can start a tax inspection and also the period during which the tax payer is obliged or entitled to submit additional tax returns. In connection with the recently submitted income tax returns and the possibility of claiming an assessed tax loss retrospectively, we would like to mention the effect of this on the deadline for assessment of the income tax.

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What the amendment to the Income Tax Act will bring

The Ministry of Finance has submitted to the Chamber of Deputies an amendment to the VAT Act and the Income Tax Act and other related acts. In this Article, we will look at the amendments to the Income Tax Act.

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CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 2/2022

Get a better overview of the most important changes in tax, labour, and payroll legislation in the CEE region. We have summarised the news from Albania, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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Mazars Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2022

Mazars published its tenth edition of its regional tax guide, which presents snapshots and comparative charts of the tax systems of 22 CEE countries for 2022.

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