Tax newsletters 2020
Discover the tax updates from 2020.
Mazars Tax Alert: Transfer pricing in a pandemic - New OECD Instruction

In December 2020, the OECD issued a new Instruction focussed on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on transfer pricing (hereinafter referred to as the “Instruction”).
Mazars Tax View: November 2020
Dear readers,
Even though in the last little while laws are passed more with respect to the government’s extraordinary measures connected to the fight against the coronavirus, there have also been other important changes in the area of taxes in the recent past that we would like to inform you about in this newsletter.
Even though in the last little while laws are passed more with respect to the government’s extraordinary measures connected to the fight against the coronavirus, there have also been other important changes in the area of taxes in the recent past that we would like to inform you about in this newsletter.
Mazars Tax Alert - November 2020
Mazars released new Tax Alert. Are you ready for the changes in leases in 2021?
CEE VAT Alert - 6/2020
Přinášíme páté číslo Mazars CEE VAT ALERT, které přehledně představí změny v DPH zaváděné v zemích střední a východní Evropy.
Mazars CEE VAT Alert - 6/2020
Přinášíme páté číslo Mazars CEE VAT ALERT, které přehledně představí změny v DPH zaváděné v zemích střední a východní Evropy.
Mazars Tax View - June 2020
In the last few months we have primarily been informing you of the government’s extraordinary measures related to the fight against the coronavirus through our extraordinary alerts. The situation is slowly calming down and I would now like to present you with the new issue of our tax newsletter dealing with other interesting tax themes.
Mazars Tax Alert: Updated information on the measures of the government of the Czech Republic in connections with the Covid-19
We are bringing you the latest information on the measures of the Government of the Czech Republic in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. We are sure that our summary will help you make sense of all the measures passed in recent months. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact our experts, who will be pleased to clear up any of your questions.
Mazars Tax Alert: Updated information on the measures of the government of the Czech Republic in connection with the coronavirus

We are bringing you the lates issue of our newsletter not only about taxes. This issue contains updated information on the measures of the government of the Czech Republic in connection with the coronavirus.
VAT Alert: Problems with the fulfilment of your VAT obligation in the Czech Republic?

We would like to share with you the latest issue of our VAT ALERT. This issue explains how companies can deal with their problems with the fulfilment of VAT obligations.

We would like to share with you the latest issue of our TAX ALERT. This issue explains the new government package of measures in the area of taxation.
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