Other upcoming changes to the Labour Code
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Other upcoming changes to the Labour Code
On 27.8.2024, a bill to amend the Labour Code was submitted to the deputies as Parliamentary Print 775/0. One of the objectives of the proposed amendment to the Labour Code is to increase the flexibility of the Labour Code in the interests of both employees and employers, to respond to the development and needs of the modern labour market and to strengthen the conditions for families with children.
It is expected that this amendment could apply in force as early as the beginning of 2025.
Main changes:
- Extension of the trial period by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer to 4 months, for managerial employees to 8 months (currently the maximum trial period for regular employees is 3 months, for managerial employees 6 months);
- to repeat the extension of the employment relationship with an employee who has been recruited as a replacement for an employee on maternity and parental leave - the maximum limit of such a fixed-term employment relationship will be 9 years;
- return from parental leave to the same job and workplace within 2 years of the child’s birth;
- the possibility for employees on parental leave to carry out the same type of work for the same employer under a work performance agreement or a work activity agreement as before taking parental leave;
- change in the rules for giving notice of termination of employment - the notice period could start from the date of delivery of the notice to the other party; shortening the notice period to 1 month in the case of termination for breach of work discipline or failure to meet the legal prerequisites and requirements of the employer for the performance of work; the employee will be entitled to a one-off compensation from the employer’s compulsory insurance in the case of termination for health reasons;
- allowing minors aged 14 and over, including those who have not completed compulsory schooling, to carry out certain types of work during the main summer holidays;
- the possibility to pay the employee, with his/her consent, wages, salary or part thereof in an agreed foreign currency.
Author: Martina Farářová, HR & Payroll Services, Manager
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