Employment of foreigners - Labour Office of the Czech Republic

If an employer employs foreigners, it is obliged to provide the Labour Office of the Czech Republic with information on the start or termination of their employment. In connection with the full digitalization of this obligation and on the basis of the amendment to Act No.435/2004 Coll. on Employment, employers must, from 1 July 2024, transmit information on foreigners to the Labour Office only in one of the following three ways (Section 87(5)):

1.       by filling in a form on the web - this option is suitable for smaller organisations

2.       by a data message in XML format

3.       direct integration of the employer's information system with the interface of the MPSV  

Blanka Knedlová, Payroll Accountant, HR & Payroll Services
Martina Farářová, Manager, HR & Payroll Services