Amendment to the Labour Code
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Amendment to the Labour Code
In connection with the adoption of Act No. 230/2024 Coll., several amendments were made to Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended. The effective date of the law is August 1, 2024, but some changes do not take effect until January 1, 2025.
Main changes in the Labour Code:
- § 111 - introduction of a system for regular minimum wage increases (effective 1 August 2024)
- The mechanism for calculating the minimum wage, the definition of the conditions for determining the coefficients for its calculation and its 2-year frequency, which can be changed before the expiry of this period only if there is a significant change in national economic conditions.
- The monthly minimum wage of CZK 20,800 (an increase of CZK 1,900) and the hourly minimum wage of CZK 124.40 (an increase of CZK 11.90) were announced for 2025 by Communication No. 286/2024 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on 23.9.2024.
- § 138 - remuneration from work performance agreements and work activity agreements (effective 1.8.2024)
- It is now possible to negotiate remuneration for agreements outside the employment relationship with the employee, taking into account possible night work, work on Saturdays and Sundays or work in a difficult working environment
- § Section 217(1) - abolition of the employer's obligation to draw up a written leave schedule (effective 1 August 2024)
- § 87a - scheduling of working time by the employee, including the scheduling of working time for Homeoffice (effective 1.1.2025)
- This new section of the Labour Code provides that the employer may conclude a written agreement with the employee, according to which the employee will schedule his/her own working hours into shifts under agreed conditions, and also under what conditions the obligation under the agreement may be terminated.
Other changes to the Labour Code include:
- § 24 and § 27 - regulation of the procedure for concluding a collective agreement in the case of multiple trade unions in an employer
- § 131 - relaxation of the conditions for granting a personal allowance to salaried employees
- changes to the so-called health package (changes to working time, rest periods and remuneration for some health care workers)
- § 215 and § 217 - changes in the area of leave
- defining two new groups of employees for the right to additional leave;
- abolition of the obligation to draw up a written holiday timetable
- § 112 - regulation of guaranteed salary with abolition of the institute of guaranteed salary (effective 1.1.2025)
Author: Martina Farářová, HR & Payroll Services, Manager
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